Harbert Hills Nursing Home - Employment Application Form

EMP - Job Application

Personal Information


Employment Information

Position for which you are applying.
Shift you can work:
Employment Desired
Are you employed at the present time. If yes, please complete the information below.
May we contact your present employer at this time?
3 - If hired, can you show proof of your legal right to work in the U.S.?
4 - Have you ever been dismissed, or asked to resign from any position?
5 - Have you ever been convicted of a felony or misdemeanor?
6 - Have you ever been involved in any liability suit against anyone?


Select highest High School grade completed.
Select highest College completed.

Employment Experience (List the most recent first)

References - List 6 individuals whom you know well, previous employers or coworkers. Do not include relatives.

Employment Understanding (Please read and sign)

This institution does not discriminate in hiring or any other decision on the basis of race, color, sex, citizenship, national origin, ancestry, Vietnam era veteran status, or on the basis of age or physical or mental disability unrelated to the ability to perform the work required. No question on this application is intended to secure information to be used for such discrimination.

I voluntarily give this institution the right to make a thorough investigation of my past employment and activities, agree to cooperate ni such investigation and release from al liability or responsibility al persons, companies, or corporations supplying such information. I consent to take the physical examination, and such future physical examinations as may be required by this institution at such times and places as the institution shall designate. I understand that an offer of employment may be contingent on passing the physical examination which relates to the essential duties I would be required to perform.

I further understand that my employment will be subject to random drug testing at any such time deemed necessary by the institution and will be contingent on the fact of passing said drug test. I also understand that my employment could be terminated for any misstatement or omission of fact appearing on this application form.

If employed, I will be required to complete an Employment Verification Form (1-9), and within three days show satisfactory evidence of identity and eligibility for employment.